Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Seemed Logical to Me

On January 1st I wondered what January 2nd would bring. I asked in partial jest, but--ironically--it was just as interesting as the day before.

Being in a hospital waiting room late at night (or early in the morning--whichever way you want to look at it) can be very boring. For some odd reason, all of the girls were hanging out in the Annonying Waiting Room. The room which wasn't really a room at all, just the area that had a grouping of chairs before there was a hallway. The *cool* waiting room was just a few feet from this Annoying Area, but the girls didn't want to go hang out in the cool room with the vending machines, the coffee, the couches, and the TV. No, no. They wanted to stay in AA with the ugly Christmas tree that was in need of some *serious* redecoration. ::sigh:: And I didn't want to go hang out in the cool room without somebody else, so I didn' first. Then April decided the cool room was preferable to the AA, so we went to watch TV on the cool couches. But it didn't last long because Landon came out to tell us how Mandy was doing, and *he* sat in the Annoying Area. So we moved back. And I hated that Christmas tree.

Actually--I really didn't notice the tree at first. Not until Melissa brought it to my attention. "Look at what a terrible job they did decorating that thing!" she said. And they had. It looked terrible. There were red glass balls, gold glass balls, and white Christmas trees, and sparkly icicles. Oh. And bows. And they were all bunched out in odd groups. "We should redecorate it," Melissa said. But, yeah right! Like *any*one would redecorate a most-likely-staff-decorated Christmas tree when the staff is sitting like 20 feet from the tree. So we didn't redecorate it.


We didn't redecorate it *then*.

You see--being up at 4:30 in the morning, in a hospital, waiting for a new baby cousin, and only having had 4 and half hours of sleep the night before, especially when it was New Year's Eve, and also being at Girls' Nite the night before *that*, and then having coffee, and Pepsi, and something weird to eat from a hospital vending machine, and *THEN* laying on a couch staring at a poorly decorated Christmas tree 20 feet in front ot you...well---it makes you suddenly jump up and tell Melissa to 'come on! I can't stand it anymore!'

I don't think Melissa thought I was serious at first. But I was. Hello. I was *bored*. And I couldn't sleep. Anyway, she quickly realized I was serious, and she came and helped. But after a few minutes a nurse walked past, and it scared Melissa, so she went and sat back down. ::sigh:: I had to finish decorating the poor thing myself. ::laughs:: At one point a nurse walked by and I was holding a Christmas ball in each hand. I was wearing a jacket, so I quickly stuck my hands into my pockets and casually walked away. ::shakes head:: Oooh, goodness. It was funny. Anyway, I finished it a few minutes later. And I only had to hide once or twice more. But you know...surely the nurses wouldn't *really* have minded. I mean--I'll bet they were *happy* someone cared enough to make their tree look beautiful!

I didn't end up getting to sleep until 1:30 on Monday afternoon. I was a little tired by then. Cathy was very nice and gave me the day off of work. I meant to wake up at 5:00, but I slept through my alarm, and didn't wake up until 8:30.

I feel so thrown off schedule. I feel like today is Tuesday. I guess because I never slept Sunday night. It's a very odd feeling being up for 30 hours straight. I haven't done that since I went to Europe when I was 15. ::laughs::

Again. I'm still tired from the long weekend. And I think I'm rambling. I have stuff to do. Goodbye.


Restless Native said...

Wow. After reading this post... it still seems like you need some rest.

Lots of it.

You won't be driving anytime soon... will you?

Unknown said...


I wonder if any of the staff thought that you were trying to steal their ornaments.......

I don't know that anyone else would have let a poorly decorated tree bother them so much. Except maybe Andrea. Or Carrie....... Who knows.

I think I'll check and see if anyone plans on going to Bennians to visit Kelly tonight.

Anonymous said...

I SO know how you feel, Tracy!
I have never been so tired in my life. I'm still working on catching up with my sleep.
I haven't known what day it was since last Friday, at Girls nite. I can't wait for this week to be over, and I can just start again.

Anonymous said...

Btw- the Christmas Tree looked SO much better when you were finished with it. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it was the Milot's.

Tracy said...

::eyes Jace's post suspiciously::

Ooookay. My first thought is it's John, as he is always the random commentator...person. Whatever. But...I don't know...there's something odd about it....

Tracy said...

Jace, I think Dan is trying to get a hold of you so that he can figure out what happened with you and Rosie, and how the London murders were solved.

Would you please stay in one place so he can track you down?

Tracy said...

Really, Christa? How do you know? Who is it?

Tracy said...

Ch--yeah, you don't know him! He obviously hasn't met up with you yet because we *still* don't know what happened that night after the French girls were murdered....

Tracy said...

::laughs:: Thanks, Lola. I'm glad you would've helped, and you don't think I'm crazy for having done it. ;)

Anonymous said...

No, It wasn't me. Like I would spend money on Mary, for no reason. ;)
It scared me when I saw it in her car.

Tracy said...

Okay. Who is posting as Jace????

Disciple said...

If the nurses couldn’t even decorate a tree, how on earth could you leave a pregnant relative in their care?!

Tracy said...

I figure they didn't have time to decorate a tree because they were too busy dressing little babies.

So, really, I was helping them.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't break the secret.

Anonymous said...


You're supposed to be the good guy!

::all dying of broken hearts::

Disciple said...


Some babes have started a fan club in my honour!!

Tracy said...

...oh my gosh. ::laughs:: I didn't even realize Jace and John have the same initials!

You know what, though? I think that Jace has a middle name.

Yeah. Because he's an American. Dan--what is Jace's middle name?

Restless Native said...

Jace's full name is

Jace "The Yellow Dart" Buntley

Anonymous said...

I think it should be Scott. :)