Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"No, No. It's This Way."

I learned something very important on January 1st.

I learned how to properly shake a man's hand.

Don't laugh! I did. Learn, I mean.

April and Robby had a few people over to play (IMHO, this really boring board game called...) Rail Baron on Sunday evening. Kelly, Micah, April and Robby think this game is great, so they were the ones that played, while Marcy and I alternated between watching them, watching TV, and watching each other.

At one point I got bored and went over to the kitchen table to watch them play. I arrived just in time to hear Kelly (who was behaving hilariously that night) ask Robby something about the way a girl should shake a man's hand. So Robby, being a man, told Kelly what impressed him about a female's handshake. Micah concurred with him. So there were handshakes all around as Robby and Micah showed the three of us (Marcy, Kelly and I...I don't know if April got her lesson or not--I think she was doing something at the kitchen sink) how exactly to shake a man's hand. It was very informative---very appreciated---and it struck me as very funny. As Robby was shaking Marcy's hand (I think), I started laughing and proclaimed that I was "so going to blog this." I mean, how random was it?? Handshaking lessons? Seriously given and seriously taken? ::laughs:: Thanks to Kelly for even thinking of it.


A Worm and No Man said...

So how does a woman shake a man's hand?

A Worm and No Man said...

Your little paranthetical insert threw me for a loop and at first I thought you were playing a game called IMHO which I think would be a hilarious premise for a game. Haha. I'd play it. Heck, I'm playing it constantly in real life as it is!

Tracy said...

I don't know if I can explain it. I think you would need Robby and Micah to show you, Christa.

Um. Apply pressure. But not too much. And definitely don't just let your hand sit there. That's weird.

Robby put it this way: "Enough pressure that if your arm were to suddenly fall from the shoulder, your hand would be able to keep your arm from falling to the ground."

::laughs:: Yes, that was definitely a boy's way of putting it, but he got his point across!

Tracy said...

:::laughs::: I love that idea for a game, Justin! Oh my gosh--that has *great* possibilities!

I think you should develop that idea.

Tracy said...

You know. With all of that spare time you have up in seminary.

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: We did have some weird conversations that night. but it was really fun!
I'm glad we got our lesson. :)

Anonymous said...

::eats one of the cookies Micah made:: Tracy, did you ever try those?

Tracy said...

Yes, Marcy! Those were SO good! I wonder if he'll make us some more...?

Tracy said...

IMHO: In My Humble Opinion

Tracy said...

::laughs:: Mary, it sounds like you mean 'IMHO' is a great game...

Anonymous said...

Micah said he's going to try to get me to play with them next time.
Maybe we should try it, Tracy.

Tracy said...

::sighs:: Maybe so. But if it gets boring, I'm out!

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: okay...It is fun though, getting together with everyone. I mean the game lasts like 2 days.
I have an idea, we can be on a team together, so it will be more fun. :)

Tracy said...

Why wait til then?

Micah took off of work to play the game this week...I'm sure he'd be willing to do it again. Especially if we were all going to play without him.

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: Yeah, I bet he would take off work, but not school.
The only reason he was here on Monday, was 'cause he was out of school.

Disciple said...

A well integrated person needs at least 15 hugs a day, just to get by.
Or so I was told, when first at seminary.
There then followed an excruciating lesson in how to hug each other.

Disciple said...

Would, that I were.

Tracy said...

Someone ask Justin to verify.

Oh. I guess I will.

Justin, will you either verify John's odd claim, or tell him to quit making things up?

Disciple said...

Justin wasn't there when I first went to seminary.

In 1997.

In Ireland.

Really, I think you all expect a little too much from poor Justin!