Thursday, December 29, 2005

Oh. My. Gosh.

:::puts hand over eyes and laughs at the irony of it all:::

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

:::continues laughing, and is sorry y'all don't know why:::

Now just who would have ever thought that such a saying would be so darn *perfect*???

I'm sorry, y'all. If I could explain it, I totally would.

But ya know...I just can't.

:::looks in the appropriate direction and laughs again:::

Confrontation is a horrible thing. I hate it. I really do. And other people do too. But God is good and takes care of His wayward little children, and He brings good out of the wish-I-could've-avoided-it-ness of it all.

Plus He gives them t-shirts.

I'm going to bed. It too late to be writing nonsensical posts.




Tracy said...


Christa, will you bring me some eggs? I'm a little shocked at my lack of literary expressiveness as well!

Tracy said...

