Monday, October 03, 2005

To My Good Friend

Today is Saint Therese's feast day. She is my friend, my confidante and my confirmation saint. She answers every single prayer I ever pray to her.

She's great.

Saint Therese, if my fingers and my brain would just work with me, I would write you a poem! But I just don't think it's going to happen. I'm sorry. But happy feast day! Thank you for always looking out for me. I don't know why you do it, but I reeeeeally appreciate it.

You may not get a poem, but here is a rose: @-`--- It's not much compared to the dozens you have sent me, but it's the best I can do while I'm down here and you're up there.

For all of y'all who are reading this blog, if I know you, then you should thank Saint Therese too, 'cause I have prayed to her for every single person I know. Some of you more than others. So, your existence has demanded much of her attention, and you should thank her for that. ; )

Well, once again, I don't have much time to spend on this computer. My family is in town for the weekend (woo hoo!), except for my dad (hi Dad!), and they are out at my grandparents' house, so I am going to go visit them. But, knowing me, I will probably get online again tonight when I get home and blog some more...

You know, it's funny...The Padre thinks that I should get more sleep because--why, Padre?? I'm grouchy? Nah. I'm not. I may be getting less sleep since I started writing on this thing, but I've also been in a much better mood! Maybe it's the pink-ness of it all. Or the rose-ness, actually. (This particular blog is called "thisawayrose". I'm not *quite* sure how to break that up... this a way rose...this away rose...this a-way, rose...hmm.) Anyway, I'll be back!

~Tracy Marie Therese


Anonymous said...

Dearest Little Lassie;
I have noticed your particularly perky and bright mood lately.
I saw you at Mass today, so of course, I had to say a prayer for you and your family as well as all the other intentions I'm supposed to remember (it's getting hard to remember both for my old age and for the multitude of intentions). The introit of this Mass almost causes me to blush "Come from Lebanon, My bride, come from Lebanon, come! You have ravished My Heart, My sister, My bride; you have ravished My heart"
I like your tribute to St. Therese of Lisieux. I confess that I almost plucked a rose for you this morning from the little rose bush out in front, but I thought, "no, she would have a heart attack or something" so, too bad kid!
God Bless, The Padre

Anonymous said...

Thank you for praying to St. Therese for me.
I didn't realize it was her Feast day today. I was just thinking yesterday at church that I wanted to read a book about her. (how weird.) I of course didn't have time today to find one, but hopefully tomorrow.

Tracy said...

You are welcome for the prayers. I have no clue who you are, though. But you're welcome, just the same.

Mason, call me tomorrow around 12:30 and I will talk you through it. It's hard to explain over the computer.

Tracy said...

I do wish you had picked the rose for me! I wouldn't have had a heart attack, I promise. I am way to used to getting roses from Saint Therese for something that drastic to happen. Well, it's the thought that counts, so thank you for that!
:::giggles::: That was great--you called me perky! I don't think I've ever been called that before. Well, thanks for the prayers this morning.
God bless.