Sunday, June 04, 2006

Clear Creek Pilgrims

Okay, John, Christa and Mason!

What's up, guys? Actually...Christa is in Nebraska, so nevermind about saying 'hi' to her. ::winks::

Okay, I have been meaning to start blogging more often, but this weekend I have been too busy to do so.


Oh. Because. When I got home Thursday night my mom said that a group of people here in Clear Creek were going to be meeting at our house on Saturday afternoon to walk to the monastery. (It is 4 miles from the front door of our house to the door of the chapel.) So 14 of us walked to the monastery and offered it for the Chartres Pilgrims.

It was actually Drew's idea. (He's a great guy that lives here.) He told Lizzie he would walk to the monastery every day that she walked the Pilgrimage if she would pray for an intention he had. Then the idea just kinda caught on.

Today we walked from Drew's house to the monastery and back two times, which came to 4 miles. And we're going to do it again tomorrow.

Walking takes up a lot of time. Especially when you have little three and seven year olds....

The Chartres Pilrims are supposed to be arriving in Chartres around 8:00am our time tomorrow. Remember to pray for them! ::smiles::


Disciple said...

There has been a serious upturn in the quality of the blogs recently.
I think we should ban those fickle people who go on holidays to Europe and neglect their fellow bloggers.

Disciple said...

Four miles is quite a lot. I walk just under three (I think) with my dog everyday. Unfortunately, I never remember to offer it up for anything. Oops.
Still, I suppose the Morning offering will cover that.

Disciple said...

You mean you got a FOWL ball at the Red Hawks game.
Tee hee, tee hee.
I prefer sparrow hawks.