Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

I hope all of you Irish people have a great day!

Especially John, 'cause he's the most Irish of us all!


Disciple said...

Why thank you darling.

And the same to you.

Tracy said...


John commented!!!

What's it been now...a couple of years?

Hello, John. Did you wear green today?

Little Lizzie said...

Hey!!! Why does *Tracy* get to be a DARLING now?

Gosh, John. You have come to hate me. :(

Tracy said...

Ginn, if I could figure out *how* to sign onto g-talk, I would...but I can't. And Beth won't show me how....


Tracy said...

Oh, Beth. Just get over it. John likes *me* more because *I* am more Irish than you.

So there.

Disciple said...

As someone put it so sweetly: “just another Friday in Lent”.
Indeed it was. Another slothful, gluttonous, unproductive Friday!

Disciple said...

"Darling" is a Christa-ism.
So blame Christa.

Ofcourse, if one of you agreed to marry me...