Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Once, Twice, Thrice

And it makes me laugh every single time.

Kind of like this commercial for a movie with Julia Roberts. I had never seen the movie, and I probably never will, but in this commercial she is all dressed up, and Richard Gere is holding a jewlery box out to her. She starts to reach for the necklace inside, and at the last second he clicks the box shut, scaring her and causing her to laugh.

I don't know what it was about her reaction, but it made *me* laugh *every* single time.

Okay, so, moving on....

The blogs have been so quiet lately. What's going on? ::shrugs:: I haven't felt much like posting. I have so much going on. Someone should tell "Davin" to post another chapter to his story. It's so mean to leave everybody hanging like this. Speaking of which...'The London Murders' *IS* still in the works. Dan just...well. The longer we wait, the better the chapter will be. That's all.

I'm going to Kelly's apartment in a little while. She is having a phone-line put in, so I'm going to hang out with her while the telephone guys are there. Then I'm going to go watch Andrea test at level 3 for Krav Maga. *That* should be interesting.

Andrea is moving tomorrow.

And I'm not talking about it right now. I'm still in denial.

...Unlike Mary.



Restless Native said...

Yes, the next TLM installment is coming. Soon. I promise.

And it will be absolutely PACKED with chase scenes, dramatic rescues, vice & villainy, all sorts of great stuff!

Okay, maybe not. But it will be packed with something.

The letter T! It will be absolutely PACKED with letter Ts!

A Worm and No Man said...

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Road trip? What is Mary talking about?

Tracy said...

Well, hello, Justin. You've been awfully silent lately.

Mary is talking about taking a road trip to visit Ang once she is settled in NM. That's all.

::laughs:: Mary, aren't I almost as funny as Uncle Mark?

Dan, I want it to be packed with letter 'A's as well!

A Worm and No Man said...

Pretty Woman was neither pretty nor womanly. I hate Julia Roberts. She smiles like a crocodile and has about the same personality. My reaction upon meeting either would be the same: run as fast as possible in the opposite direction and call the animal control squad.

A Worm and No Man said...

Mary, if people think your lips look like Julia Roberts' pancake smackers, they must be wall-eyed. Roberts could put a whole grapefruit in her mouth and still have room to chew gum. I'm afraid you're nowhere in her league, my dear. ;)

Tracy said...

...and who wants "smooth" peanut butter when they could have chunky??

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: That part of the movie ALWAYS makes me laugh forever, too.