Monday, November 07, 2005

Turkey Hunting

A thought which occurred to me this evening around 5:00: "This is too funny." But I had to stop and think about it a little more. And then:

"...Yes....yep...yeah...definitely. This is way too funny. It'll just be *wrong* if we don't see any turkey!"

Why were these thoughts occurring to me? ::laughs and shakes head:: Because I was turkey hunting with a couple of friends.

Mike, with his orange stocking cap and--what was it???--his 12 gauge shotgun.

Dan, with his black cowboy hat and 30-06.

Oh, wait...I was wearing the cowboy hat at first. Yeah. As all of those thoughts were occurring to me.

There I was, in the middle of a big field, walking behind two guys who were stopping every few yards to listen...and listen...and listen. I almost wondered what I was doing there a couple of times, but I was enjoying it so much I didn't quite think it all of the way. The only annoying factor was that I lacked a gun. (It can't really be considered hunting if you're not carrying a gun, can it? Dad? hmmm. Anyway...)

There we were, walking through this field which had grass up to my shoulders. Mike and Dan were in front of me and totally oblivious to anything I was doing. So I clasped my hands together and put them on top of my head. One, because I didn't want my arms getting cut up by the dried grass, and two, because I didn't have a gun, and three, because it made me laugh. I looked like I was a prisoner--only, my "captors" were walking in *front* of me, and they would've had no clue if I had just turned and run the other direction.

::laughs:: Well, that would've been a funny experiment. Maybe I should've tried it. ::giggles:: Once we ascertained that the field was indeed devoid of any turkey, I should've gone running through the field yelling for help. If nothing else it would've given the guys a start!

We gave up on the first couple of fields, and decided to try somewhere else. This was when we joined by three other guys. Kevin, Solomon and Damian. ::laughs:: 'Twas quite the little hunting party we all made. Damian especially made it interesting, considering the fact that...well. Just considering. ;)

It was a cool field we were hunting in at this point. (I say "we". Was I really hunting? eeh...I dunno.) It had about shin-height grass, and some kind of evergreen tree every few yards. Farther into the field were some kind of I-have-no-clue-what-those-are trees which were much taller than the evergreen. And in those trees were the turkey we'd been looking for. (:::laughs::: Somebody ask Brian Reagan what the plural of turkey is, 'cause I don't know for sure....) It was hilarious seeing Dan and Mike freeze when they heard the turkey clucking sounds. They completely stopped and looked at each other, then they slowly made their way into those trees.

I was a few hundred yards behind them, just watching them, and I knew there was something wrong with the picture. Um, the fact that the sun had set, and it was going to be dark in those trees. Not extremely dark, but enough--Enough to keep you from shooting a turkey.

At least that was what I thought. Damian knew. When shots were fired, he whispered, "They got one!" Ten minutes later we found out he was right. They came walking out of the trees and towards us--but by this time it was getting pretty dark, so they were close before we could tell that Dan was holding a turkey in his hand.

I didn't find out until later (ah, later...that is where the real fun was....) that Dan had never been hunting for turkey before. He bagged a turkey his first time out. Well, Dan, I'm duly impressed. Congratulations!

The rest of the story shall have to wait until tomorrow. I am so tired, and I must get some sleep. ::strives for a wise expression to cover face:: Hunting will do that to you.


God bless.


Unknown said...

Yeah. This Dan guy sounds like a great hunter.... But I wonder, did he tell you that Turkeys roost at night? Meaning they sit in a tree and don't move for any reason. I really find it hard to not feel a little sorry for the unsuspecting turkey..... At least it died in it's sleep.

Little Lizzie said...

::laughs:: that sounds like a lot of fun!!! :)

Restless Native said...

I am the greatest hunter that ever lived! Turkeys flock to me! If only I could get the same effect with babes.

Anyway, I started telling people at work this morning that I shot a Turkey. Hey, it's my first one! I'm proud of it! That is, I WAS, until they started telling me that shooting Turkeys in the roost illegal. Why is it illegal, you ask? Because it's so DAD-GUM EASY THAT'S WHY. It's where the term "Turkey Shoot" comes from! Those Turkeys were so lazy they didn't all fly away until I got like 5 shots off!

Well at least I got one on my first try! :) And it was fun! I can't wait until Democrats come into season.

Tracy said...

Hey, *I* had absolutely nothing to do with cutting the head off! (And just in case anybody is wondering, *I* was not the one that licked the bird!) And I didn't gut it, either. It was just my knife that Danny Boy was using...I used to really like my knife. Now I think it's gross. Ew.
::laughs and shakes head at name reference:: Ginny.... ;)

Tracy said...

::tries to keep back the laughter::

::clears throat::

::opens mouth to speak::

::can't think of anything to say::

::tries again...::


One word.

Starts with an "H".
Ends with "ysterical".

::covers mouth and *doesn't* laugh::

Anyway--it *was* a lot of fun! I want to go again--only *before* the turkeys decide to go to sleep for the night....

Tracy said...

You know, Christa...I believe that you are right!

Disciple said...

What is it with Americans, guns and violence?
I don’t think I’ve ever been in a field with grass up to my shoulder.
Perhaps your captors had you captivated by their rugged good looks (as I would have had). Maybe you looked upon them as seminarians capturing souls for Heaven in the good old-fashioned way- by brute force!
No, you weren’t hunting, Tracy. You were just standing there looking pretty!
Poor turkey! Perhaps a flock of turkeys will decapitate and skin everyone on that hunting expedition, one of these nights……..

Restless Native said...

When it comes to Potatoes, the IRISH have the market cornered, hands down! Don't get between a Mick and his spud!!!

Disciple said...

Yes, we are very proud of our spuds.
You American don’t have any spuds do you?

Disciple said...

But you have Pumpkin Pie.

[Sniggers uncontrolably]

Actually, Dale's spuds at OLGS used to come as powder to which he added water.
But they eventually drove him to have a breakdown.

Disciple said...

The authorities.
Not the spuds.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE pumpkin pie. You are just strange.

I LOVE spuds. There must be something wrong with me because you, apparently, do too.

I LOVE "the authorities". Why don't you?

Disciple said...

I don't LOVE spuds.
They're just part of a dinner. On their own, they aren't much really.
The authorities were horrible to me :(.


Anonymous said...

“Damian especially made it interesting, considering the fact that...well. Just considering. ;)”
I don’t understand. Please explain.

Unknown said...

Damian is Tracy's boyfriend. I would say that he could make thing QUITE interesting for Tracy. Don't you agree?

Anonymous said...

How did Damian get out of seminary for the hunt?

Tracy said...

Better yet, how did Damian get into the seminary in the first place?

Unknown said...

His older brother was there first. When the family visited, Damian went with them. THAT is how he got there in the first place. But I'm certain that it was no problem for him to get out of the seminary. All he had to do was open a door, and walk out. Simple. Really, you DO like to complicate things.

Anonymous said...

Ah. He must be a member of his seminary’s bourgeoisie.
Which is worse? Baby snatching or seminarian snatching?

Disciple said...

It’s funny you mentioned Damian.
Only the other day, I switched on the TV to see his nanny shout from the roof of the house “Damian, this is for you” and jumpy off and dangle there.
Very inspiring!

Tracy said...

My dear Mr. Anonymous--I wouldn't know which would be considered worse, for I have never done either. Any more questions?


Disciple said...

No, I didn;t like the film either.

Unknown said...

Okay, enough. I'll just tell you the truth.(I'm tired of having a foot long nose)

Damian is my three year old brother. There. I said it.
*sigh* And he isn't Tracy's boyfriend.(That SHOULD be obvious, buuuuuttt....)
The fact that he is only three years old is the reason it was interesting to have him along.

Now MY boyfriend is different. MY boyfriend is REALLY cute. He is twenty-two, tall dark handsome, and thought about joining the seminary(until he met me). He is the kindest, sweetest man I know. He....... Oh, DRAT!!!!! My pants just caught on fire!!!!!!!

Disciple said...

I know who Damian is. Priestling once popped him on my knee at some gig in Lincoln. Generally, I hated children but he was rather friendly when he was tiny. However, the second time I met him was at OLGS and he was NOT in the mood to rekindle old friendships but hid under a gauze table on the loggia.
So, I know he is three and I know he was hunting. How was that interesting?
Joking. Just trying to exasperate you.
I think you’re bluffing about the other thing.

Unknown said...

Oh MAN! How could you tell??