Saturday, November 05, 2005

Don't Even

"Different strokes for different folks. Some people smoke cigarettes, and some people smoke pot."

I was told that last night by some girl who was like the cutest girl in the whole world--Okay, maybe not the whole world, but she was definitely way too cute to be saying something like that.

I wanted to say:

"And some people are sane, while others are complete morons."

In the exact same, sweet tone, of course.


I swear.

Not to mention SOME things are legal, while OTHERS are not.

Okay, new subject.

I have not been keeping up with my blog very well. I haven't had much time lately.

I went rock climbing last Wednesday. Did I write about that? ::laughs:: Man, that was funny. When we were walking in, I said to Andrea, "Wouldn't it be funny if those people from the Czech Repulic were here?" (If you don't know what the deal is with the CR, go to "Rock Climbing" in archives.) Two seconds later, I kid you not, Andrea just about ran into the SAME Czech couple! I almost died. Seriously. I thought I would choke on my laughter. Luckily for Andrea, though, the flirty one wasn't there this time. I don't understand what the couple was doing here. When we ran into them the first time, they were only here on a business trip, and that was a month ago. hmmm

The highest climb I made was somewhere between 55 and 60 feet. Larry was trying to make me climb the entire 80 feet, but my arms weren't having any of that. I was sorely tempted to drop my chalk ball down on top of his shiney, bald head. It would've been funny--leaving a white, ball shaped spot on that head of his. But I didn't do it. I decided it wasn't Larry's fault I was 60 feet in the air, and that the only thing between me and lots of gravel was...well...nothing. So, instead of throwing the ball on his head, I just hit it when I got back down. But then he told me I hit like a girl. So then I just bit my lip and went to go watch other climbers climb.

Don't ever let Larry know you think someone is cute. He will start singing "You Are So Beautiful" when he knows perfectly well the person you just spoke of can hear him.

I was terrified to make the first climb of that night. It just hit me all of a sudden. For some reason, I felt like there wasn't anything to keep me from falling once I started climbing. ::hmm:: Know what? I felt like the girl in my repelling story....

I was still nervous by the end of the night, but it wasn't as bad. On my last climb, I decided I was going to enjoy it even if I was nervous. ...And besides...Larry was making me climb it. So. I sang a song the whole way up. It calmed me down. Don't know why. I was also being smart-aleck to Larry. That helped, too. Then I started being a ballerina. A Prima Donna, mind you. Don't ask how that is possible while rock climbing. It usually isn't, but I can pretty much be a ballerina anywhere I want--except on the stage, 'cause I know absolutely nothing about ballet.

It turned out the be the best climb I'd ever made. It was SO much fun. I can't wait to go again.


Anonymous said...

That just sounds like way too much fun, Tracy.
See you tomorrow at church.
btw, Chad smokes pot all the time, so if you ever want to somke with him, he would love it. ;)


Anonymous said...

I just love it when Marcy says something like that... LOVE YA MARCY!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I kind of sounded like I was smoking some pot when I wrote that last post. I meant to say *Smoke* not "somke" heh, I crack myself right up!

Oh yeah, Chad doesn't really smoke pot, btw. :)


Tracy said...

Yup, Mace, "that's a life you can hang your hat on!"


Unknown said...

Being a ballerina? Where did that come from Mace?

Tracy, I agree with Marcy, I think you have too much fun climbing. You should stop going, and offer it up for the boy with a potato sack for a body.*sniff* That poor, poor boy.

Tracy said...

Yes. Thank you, Shelley. I shall consider that. Very seriously.

Disciple said...

Perhaps Miss Cute Girl thought smoking was bigger that legalities.
At any rate which do you prefer to smoke?
Surely rock climbing is more dangerous than smoking?
Is “boy with a potato sack for a body” a seminarian? I think I know which one.

Unknown said...

Which one of the seminarians has a potato sack for a body? This is the first I've heard about it. I thought that whole thing was just a stupid spam e-mail. I guess you can't always tell these things by how stupid they sound.

Disciple said...

Well, there are a number of them really.
But some are more potato-sack-like than others.


Unknown said...

Ohhhhh........ Maybe I WON'T go to the seminary after all.

Disciple said...

Oh do.
You can eat them if nothing else.
You seem quite good at that!

Unknown said...

At what? Eating men with potato sacks for bodies??? I regret that you are not intelligent enough to know that I have NEVER eaten anyone with a potato sack body. I've never eaten anyone in fact. So I am quite curious as to what you are implying.

Unknown said...

Let me guess, there isn't any polite way of telling me what you meant.

I knew it.

Disciple said...

Well, I suppose you could always start.

Unknown said...

Yuck. No Thank you. Bp(it's supposed to be a face. The "B" is the eyes, and the p is the toungue)