Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

"...Even if it is a Protestant holiday."

::shakes head and laughs::

I heard someone say that today, and it made me laugh.

I am waiting for my sister Kelly. We are going to ride together to my uncle Donald's house for Thanksgiving lunch. After that, we are going out to my grandparents' house for Thanksgiving dinner.

Lots of food.


Every year my uncle makes a ton of food because he expects me and my 12 siblings to eat it all. We never do. And every year he makes the same amount, if not more.

I hate it.

Don't get me wrong! He is a *great* cook! *But* I hate that we don't eat more than we do because it looks like we don't like it, and we don't appreciate the effort he put into making everything.

::sigh:: Oh well.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody--Protestant or Catholic!!



Anonymous said...

FIRST COMMENT!!! By the way, I was soooo embarrassed when you ran up to me with that "you forgot to say good-bye". Very funny, and very Tracy.

Disciple said...

We get the message.
You hate your Uncle and you hate his food.

Sorry, I don’t do Thanksgiving.

Tracy said...

::laughs:: I'm sorry you were embarrassed. But nobody saw me. Except for maybe a couple of people. Maybe *next* time you won't forget, huh? ;)

Tracy said...

John, maybe that's because you are Irish.

And I don't hate my uncle. ...I don't *know* my uncle, but I don't hate him.

Is it depressing to be so negative all of the time, Irishman?

Disciple said...

Yeah. Depression is supreme.

Little Lizzie said...

We talked about you at my uncles house today, John. It made for a very interesting conversation and my aunt and uncle thought it was hilarious listening to us.

Little Lizzie said...

Don't be so depressed all of the time, John. You will make me depressed!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Tracy!
You sure didn't hang out at Mana's house too long.

Tracy said...

John, you're a nut. And you were a good topic of conversation today.

Whatever, Marcy! I was there for 4 and half hours! :b`!

Unknown said...

Ahhh, yes. The Robinsons. They are the only people I know who get so close to the Nolans in their chaotic behavior.

Are you all brats too??

Little Lizzie said...

I am happy to say.... *I* am a brat two times over!!! :)

Disciple said...

There must have been a serious dearth of conversation at Uncle’s house.
Still, I love the attention.
That long comment is beginning to irritate me.
It’s going down…

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I guess you did get to Mana's house before I did.
It's okay, I left just after you did. :)

Anonymous said...

I know you just wanted to be gone before you had to help clean up. j/k ;)

Disciple said...

How does that relate to my comments please?

Unknown said...

She wasn't talking to you Mr. Briody. As much as you may WISH that she were.