Monday, October 24, 2005

He Growls and Everything!

Hey...y'all...remember those stories we heard as kids about the troll that sat under the bridge and waited for those poor billy-goats?

Remember how our mothers were always careful to let us know the stories weren't true, and trolls didn't really exist?


I think perhaps Mothers aren't quite as knowledgeable in the truths of fairytale-ness as they lead their children to believe.

The stories are true.

Trolls do exist.

How do I know???

Oh, right, like y'all *really* need any more proof than this!!! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Kinda makes you wonder about Santa Claus....

(Happy Birthday, Uncle Mark!!! Thanks for being such a good sport!!!!)


Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA! Of COURSE! If Tolkien wrote about it, it MUST be real. Oh, by the way, Legolas finally proposed. We are getting married in May. In a forrest. Fanghorn to be exact. You're all invited.

Anonymous said...

Two timing cheater!

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: I'm sure my dad would love it if he knew you put that pic on here. (I'm not thinking you're going to be his favorite anymore. ;) )


Anonymous said...

I swear, You get the weirdest pics when you get my dad, and Nancy together.

Tracy said...

::laughs:: I asked your dad if I could post it, Marce!

Maybe I'll even post another!
