Monday, October 24, 2005

By the Way...

Today is Saint Raphael's feast day.

I just wanted to mention it.

And I wanted to tell him "Thank You".

He knows why.

"Amen dico vobis, quidquid orantes petitis, credite quia accipietes, et fiet vobis."


Unknown said...

Eh. It's ALL Latin to me. And unlike most of the Traddies, I have not been instructed in that particular language. Unfortunately.

Disciple said...

I guess, Christa must have the same religious affiliation as I do, since there ain’t no feast day today.
It’s an “of the day” day.

Restless Native said...

Typical St. Raph fashion to let me know about his feast day one day TOO LATE.
He's my confirmation saint, and I know he's getting back at me for something.
You know, sometimes you say things you don't really mean. You might be a little tired, a little weary, maybe you had a little too much to.. ah, eat.
This apparantly means nothing when you tell off your guardian angel.
Apparantly they have friends in high places.
So anyway, now that I know St. Raphael's feast day has come and gone, (and that I missed it by one day) I suddenly have guilt trips for all the following:
1. Missing his feast day
2. Not knowing when it was in the first place
3. Knowing that he still looks out for me regardless
4. Yelling at my guardian angel.
5. Most likely requiring an inordiante amount of time and energy from both my Guardian angel and patron saint to keep me alive long enough to fulfill God's plan.

I shall simply settle for performing the penance of running an exra mile for PT tomorrow.
On fire.

Anonymous said...

I forgot about my conifrmation saints feast day, too.
It was the same day as my sisters wedding, and it just slipped my mind.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a nice sister you are to correct Ginny.