Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A Grand Day

Today is my twenty-first birthday. How wonderful. Woo hoo, woo hoo, woo hoo.

I'm old.

For me.

I'm old for being a Tracy who used to be six.

My family gave me a surprise party last night. Ashley just told me that she said, "Does anyone know that Tracy hates surprise parties?"
And April said, "Well, I don't think that matters." (Such an April thing to say.)

And that was true. I don't really like surprise parties. They embarrass me. It embarrasses me when *other people* have surprise parties! I didn't cry, though. Not at first. I was too embarrassed and surprised to do that. Nope.

But I did cry when I saw Becky walk through the front door. That really shocked me. My mom and all of my siblings who live in CC came down for my party. (My dad wasn't able to, 'cause he had to work. Hi Dad!! I wish you could've been here!) So I cried. 'Cause I miss my family, and it meant a lot to me for them to be here.

Uncle Mark came with his arm in a cast, and I was able to set something straight by writing The Truth on the cast. ;) So, Mark and Theresa and Marcy and Anthony (who gave me a song for my birthday!) and Mason all came. Even James and Jennifer and all of the kids came. That was cool. Kelly couldn't come because she had to work. Marc and Crystal and the boys couldn't because they live in England. Heather and Tom and the girls couldn't because they live in New York. Justin couldn't 'cause he lives in Florida (but Kerry came!). Jessica couldn't because she had school. Ryan *could* have, but he didn't, so I'm going to have to gripe at him when he comes out of his room. ;) Mandy and Landon and their kids couldn't because...why?? :::laughs::: I'm kidding. I know Mandy wanted to come. Chad couldn't because he had to work. (I think...) Ashley couldn't because she had a flat tire, even though she really wanted to! :D that everyone? Good heavens!!!! All of those people are members of my family!!!!!!! Wow. Cool. I have a big family.

Anyway. It was a lot of fun.


I have things to do now.


PS- Good job on the commenting, Laloo!!!! By the way, Ch! Whatever!!! I think it's more the M&M writes like *ME*.


Disciple said...

I want my name in blue.

Disciple said...

Now I'm not an outsider anymore.

Disciple said...

Why does "disciple" not begin with a capital letter?

Disciple said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Why do you always have to write in more than one comment space? It's like you can't stand to be limited to only one comment box. Yet what you write almost never amounts to half a box, let alone two. You're so weird.

PS. Actually I'm taking a wild guess as to who you(disciple) are. But I think I'm right.

Unknown said...

This one is for you Tracy. Why haven't you written me to let me know whether or not you are having a party that I can participate in??? The LEAST you could do is write to let me know that you don't like me anymore, and don't want me to celebrate your birthday with you. Gosh. I mean, what-ev-er. Later.

;) Shelley

Anonymous said...

We had some good smack on you and Andrea to talk about at church tonight. hehe..j/k guys!!
We went to get icecream and Father was like "What do you think Tracy is up to now?" ::laughs:: I told him I thought you were prolly on your 4th. ;)

I'm sooo glad you liked your party. it was fun!


Anonymous said...

Um, stupidhead? I called you on your birthday, but you didn't answer. So you can't get mad and say I forgot. I didn't. I remembered thirty times today. And then I called you. Then you didn't answer. I'm sure you were out doing something odd and Tracyesque.

So how do I get a blogger ID? Annnd, you have some deranged people commenting here.

So I guess I'll go to bed now seeing as I have to get up when the girls do.

"Ah! Sweet repose!" (do you remember that?)

Anyway, Happy birthday!

Disciple said...

You guessed correctly! You are so bright- just like your big brother.
Why do you hate my comments?
If you create more than one comment, then people will see the increased number of comments on the home page and think there is lots of exiting stuff to read. And when they enter the comments page, they’ll be dreadfully disappointed. Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha.

Irish Princess,
We don’t use the word “cookie” dearie!

Tracy said...

Christa, I will have you know that *I* have *never* ... wait ... uh oh. I can't say that... LOL! Oh my gosh, that is too funny...I had forgotten about that!
Okay, I *never* bought alcohol for *my own* consumption when I was underage.
Oh, wait...that sounds bad. LOL-this is funny. Okay, I *did* buy beer once, but it was actually on accident. I paid the tab at a restuarant, and the friends I was paying for had been drinking, and I paid for their meal. But I didn't drink any.

So that was my one rebellious act in regard to underage alcohol buying. And I didn't even do it on purpose. Well, okay...maybe I was rebellious one other time...but I can't really remember. I have a bad memory. Actually, no. No. That *was* the only time I bought anything underage. I'm such a saint.


Tracy said...

Yes, well...what do you expect when one is around the Nolan family so often...?

Tracy said...

It's biscuit, Irish Princess. As in a dog biscuit. Isn't that gross? Personally, I don't see what is wrong with the word "cookie".

Disciple, you crack me up.

Disciple said...

Oh dearie, oh dearie oh dearie!
Did I say something wrong?

Disciple said...

Sorry Sugar.
[Whispers behind her back] "But you look like such a nice person".

Disciple said...

How Americans manage to vulgarise everything!

Anonymous said...

Better use of time?

JB's brain has experienced a fatal error and needs to close.
We apologise for the inconvenience.

Tracy said...

Gee. I wonder who "anoymous" is in this case...

Anonymous; "Apologize" is spelled just that way. With a 'Z'. Here in America, that is.

John and Ginny,
Take your bickering somewhere else. Like to Ginny's blog. I don't like having 28 comments which are mostly y'all trading insults.

So there.


BTW--Gin, I hope you are feeling better!