Tuesday, September 27, 2005

To Heather, Because I Think It's Funny

My sister--HI HEATHER--thinks I am weird for setting up this blog. What she seemed to fail to understand was that I set it up partly in honor of *her*. (Thanks a lot for the support, Heather, darling.) I told her that I would give her a shout-out, and she told me not to, so I decided I would. ha ha. (You know I love you, Heather.)

hm...I wonder what all of these buttons do? Oh. Whoops. hm. I wonder how to fix that... Oh. There we go.

Well, that's all for this post.


Anonymous said...

well..those of us who really know you ...know your weird for many other reason than just this blog...
just kiddin...


Tracy said...

You know, Jake, you are allowed to keep negative opinions to yourself.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jake. You're weird for many reasons. Aww, you set the blog up just to say hi to me?? How sweet. No, really, what made you think of it?

Tracy said...

Anonymous person who asked me a question...I think you're Heather. SIGN YOUR NAME.
Anyway. I thought of it a few months ago, but I just never did it. I finally got bored enough one night to do it. So I did. And I said hi to you, assuming that you are my dear, big sister Heather whom I miss so much and wish she would send a Red M&M my way. Actually...don't. I want to dye my own!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy & Heather;
My suggestion is that you give up the M&M's and go for the Hershey's Kisses. I can't believe I said that, please don't ban me from commenting! Does anyone else think it is wierd that we gotta spell them wierd words in order to post?
God Bless, The Padre

Tracy said...

Dear Padre,
You know...it's funny that you bring up the Hershey Kisses. I tried those once...:::laughs::: Let's just say it didn't work out. I'm sticking with M&Ms!!!
btw, I don't know what's up with the word thingy--I think it's strange, too.