Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Panera Bread

I was sitting in Panera Bread today trying to think of something to write. As usual, I ended up watching the people who came in and out instead. Have y'all ever done that before? Just sat back and watched people, I mean. You have to be good at it for it to really work. If someone catches you watching them, it's not nearly as much fun. After they see you, it just gets embarrassing.

I was told something very interesting today. I was told that I am one of "those people" who don't have anything to say, but--for some reason--what I do say is interesting. Who said that? :::giggles::: Well, they know who they are! And what they said is true. I don't say much of worth. But that's okay, because that is one of the reasons I have this blog. I'm trying to find the words I need to say things to people they know but haven't yet realized. What? You don't understand what I mean by that? :::laughs::: My point exactly.

Unfortunately, I think the only way to become a really good writer is to live life. And that is unfortunate because I want to be a good writer *now*. I don't want to be like *some people* who don't figure out what to do with their lives until they are 80 years old, and then hope they aren't too late to do what they really wanted all along. I want to do things now. But I guess that's just me being impatient.

Does anyone know anything about the Vandee during the French Revolution? I wouldn't be surprised if y'all don't. Not a lot of people do. But, on the chance that someone does, would you please let me know where I can read up on them? Thanks!


Anonymous said...

For Altar and Throne: The Catholic Rising in the Vendee by Michael Davies.

Tracy said...

Thank you, anonymous person. You win the Anonymous Person of the Year Award. Now...does anyone (that I *know*, that doesn't insist on being known as 'anonymous') have a copy of "For Altar and Throne" that I may borrow? Probably not. ::Sigh::: I shall have to buy my own copy... HEY!...that gave me an idea...

Anonymous said...

the Vandee were some of the staunchest defenders of the faith against the French Revolution...and they were slaughtered/ martered like animals...they were also a people evngelized by St. Louis De Montfort...

here is some quick reading might enjoy...


Tracy said...

Thanks, Jake! You are way cool!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy;

I found this when I googled Vendee French Revolution.
I don't know if it is any good. But there was an article in the Latin Mass Magazine about it not too long ago.
Anyway, when I lived in Ohio I used to go to Panera bread in the winter to get the soup in a bread bowl. It was good eating. But I wonder if you wear those movie star sunglasses when you stare at people in Panera Bread? ha ha ha.
God Bless, The Padre

Tracy said...

Aaw, look at all of this great help I'm getting! And all I had to do was ask....
I only wear the sunglasses when I want people to notice that's never.