Thursday, September 29, 2005

Anonymous Persons

I think it's funny how many people find it difficult to sign their names in the comment boxes. I do believe I recall saying I don't like it when people do that. Mostly because I know only people who know me read this blog, and I want to know who is actually taking the time to respond to me and my random ramblings. Come on! Even if you don't want to sign your name, at *least* make up some goofy name like Restless Native did! At least then I would respect you while still wondering who exactly you are....

Okay, that's all.

PS. Actually, I don't recall saying that about remaining anonymous. I recall *thinking* it, but not exactly *saying* it, but I must have because Andrea said I did, and I know Andrea wouldn't lie to me. (Aaw, wasn't that sweet, Ang??) Actually, I don't think Andrea even reads my blog. She told me today she doesn't have time to read everyones blogs, and I think mine was included in that statement, which I don't think was very nice, 'cause it takes like five seconds to read a blog, gosh. Sooo, someone will have to tell her I was talking about her. Say the words "Old and Ugly" to her. That'll get 'er! :::giggles:::


Anonymous said...

Tracy, my dear if you so please,
with thy whine I offer this cheese,
and a tissue if you should sneeze,
but I insist don't Ang ever tease,
She has no time to shoot the breeze!
For if any lass was old and ugly,
look in the mirror it's YOU Tracy!
Sorry kid, I couldn't resist...
God Bless You All, The Padre

Tracy said...

Okay, Padre Stetson...oops. That last name just kinda slipped out. Anwyay--I will have you know I was not referring to my lovely friend as old and ugly. I just meant those words would catch her attention. (Are you giving me attention yet, Andrea???)

Tracy said...

Dear Willy,
I responded your post once, but it didn't show up, so I'm doing it again.
I think "Mana" comes from the Gaelic language. It means "My Mother's Mother". What? Don't think that's right? :::giggles::: Can ya prove me wrong?
I call "biscuits" cookies for the same reason I call "photos" pictures. It all comes from the Gaelic language, anyway, I'll bet.
I don't hate anybody who doesn't know what to do with their life until they are 80. In fact, those are some of my favorite people. Very interesting. Absolutely crazy. And slightly arrogant. ;)
Yes! Don't wish a Catholic something like that! Weird things might happen. Cameras might go flying down stairwells and the like....

Restless Native said...


I think anonymous posting comes from people's hidden desires to be "The Man in the Shadows". There is a curious thrill at playing the secret sniper on the grassy knoll, but since most people are not psychopathic, they tend to satisfy their urge for mischevious, anonymous perfidy in less violent ways. Like a verbal tirade under an assumed identity.*

*(I would have said "Pseudonym" but I wasn't sure how to spell it, so I left it out.)

In other news, I think Andrea barely has time to shake the sweat out of her boxing gloves before she starts kicking the heavy bag.
Of course she doesn't have time to read a BLOG! IF she knew what we were WRITING about her, however, I bet she'd take time to peruse... maybe an "anonymous email" is in order. She could use YOU as her next punching bag.

Also, I think "Anonymous" Padre is getting a little out of line. First he has the AUDACITY to suggest that you BAN ME from this blog, and then he INSULTS you by firing off a scathing poetic discharge! What cheek!
I would demand satisfaction.
I think a duel is in order.

Thus spaketh the VERY RestlessNative

Anonymous said...

.......:]???? <<<<,,,,>>>>{{{]]]]{{}][]{}[][ hdyfnvuxj,

Tracy said...

Is that code for how great you think my blog is? ;)