Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Post

Last night I spent a couple of hours running away from tornadoes which, in reality, were nowhere near me, and I wish I had just stayed at Panera Bread to watch the storm.

Didn't get my writing done because those darn American Cancer Society Volunteers kept coming up and talking to me.... NO--I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU A DOLLAR FOR A PIECE OF PAPER JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE MY COUSIN!!! Now leave me alone.


I'm kidding.

I did pay the dollar.

And I was very proud of my cousins (Ashley, Melissa, April, Marcy, Anthony and Mason, and my cousins-in-law, Chris and Suzi) for the volunteer work they were doing last night at the Panera in Edmond.

The girls sang, Anthony played the guitar and banjo, and Mason and Chris got people to buy pieces of paper for a dollar! ;)

But that was all cut a bit short because the scary looking clouds decided they wanted to start dropping tornadoes, so I left to find my grandparents and sister.

I hope we have more storms before I go back to CC. I love tornado-chasing, but my mom would never let me go, and since she's not here, there's not one to stop me!!!

WOO HOO!!! Bring on the storms, baby!!!


Unknown said...

Tracy, you will never be a storm chaser... you car isn't made for that kind of thing.

I didn't know that you guys were performing at Panera! You need to TELL me these things. GOSH! Can we say insensitive!?

Little Lizzie said...

*laughs* Marcy, you're funny. :)

Little Lizzie said...


Little Lizzie said...

Aww.. You all should have gone. You didn't have to wait for me. But, you all totally have to come up as soon as I get back!!

Marcy, I will totally bring you something cool. (a hot irish guy perhaps) I totally wish that you were coming too! :(

Disciple said...

No Lizzie, I’m otherwise engaged.

Disciple said...

Storms in America were really impressive.

Tracy said...

We had another one last night...woooo hooooo.

Of course, it would've been better if I hadn't been in a hospital watching my poor cousin suffer.

Disciple said...

What did you do to your cousin?

Restless Native said...

Um patawata munga hunga pow chow!

Ching gata lata mega hega ding ding!
Kayli gata wata maga laga bo dow!

Um patawata sheni holi gae ree!

Disciple said...

Yes, absolutely.