Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Latin Mistranslation

'Bambi II' is a very funny movie. I don't know why, but it absolutely cracks me up. The first Bambi I *do* *not* like, but the second one... "It's got these *EYEES* and these *CLAAAWS!* and it walks around like this...*hie--hie--hie* and, well... *YA GOTTA SEE IT!!!*"

My siblings and I have been quoting it all weekend, and last night at dinner was no exception. Michelle, the six year old, started it. Then, somehow, she got off on the new Winnie-the-Pooh movie...

Eeyore: "Cuz, it's my birthday."
Pooh: "WHAT? I didn't know that!"
E: "Didn't you see the cake?"
P: "No!"
E: "Didn't you see the presents?"
P: "No!"
E: "Well.....neither did I."

It was so cute. She did Eeyore *perfectly*. She would be all bright and bubbly quoting Pooh, and when it came Eeyore's turn, she looked absolutely crestfallen, and sounded totally depressed. A joke among the older siblings came to my mind as I watched her. "Michelle," I said. "Did you know that 'Eeyore' is Latin for 'Dad'?"

Michelle erupted in giggles, and fell off of her chair and onto the floor.

This was the point when my mother came back into the room.

Just as my mother seated herself, Michelle's little head popped up from under the table.

"Does that mean 'Pooh' is Latin for 'Mom'??!!"

::laughs:: Oops.

"What?!" My mom said.

"Well," said Michelle brightly. "Pooh likes Eeyore! So if 'Eeyore' is Latin for 'Dad'...."

1 comment:

Little Lizzie said...

::laughs:: It was really funny! :) She did him perfectly. hahaha....