Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Happy Birthday, Beth and Jessica!

Woo hoo, woo hoo, woo hoo!!!

Little Lizzie is 17 years old!!!

Woo hoo, woo hoo, woo hoo!!


Wow...I can't believe my little sister-who-tumbled-down-the-hill-and-banged-her-head-and-bled-everywhere-and-scared-us-half-to-death is 17 years old! Beeeth. You're growing up! Aaaaw. I remember when I was 17. ::thinks back four years ago:: Woooow. ::giggles::

And my cousin Jessica is 22. Happy Birthday, Jessica!! ;D

Beth, I hope you had a great day! I'll see you on Thursday, and we will go party together on Saturday!

Love ya!


A Worm and No Man said...

it only gets better from here! :)

Little Lizzie said...

::smiles:: I hope so. ;-)

Little Lizzie said...

Thank you, Tracy. I did have a good birthday. Except for, everyone forgot it was my birthday until it was like nine o'clock. I was really depressed until finally everyone was like "Uh oh... It's Beth's birthday. I better call her and pretend that I knew it was her birthday all day long." I wanted to cry earlier. It was the saddest birthday ever....

No, I am just kidding. Well, I mean, it is all true about how everyone forgot to call or WRITE but, I had a good day all in all. Thank you guys. :)

Tracy said...

...was Justin's comment directed to Christa or Beth?

Little Lizzie said...

Yes... my scar will never go away. Gosh. I will never forget that day.

Tracy said...

Just out of curiosity.

Tracy said...

because it *is* rather confusing if you think about it.

Tracy said...

AND, besides.... *I* submit that that is not always the case, Priestling. ::rearranges hair and walks away::

Tracy said...

::laughs:: Goodness. Tracy should be relieved of some of the stress she's been dealing with.

The other day I was talking to Uncle Mark and I said something about being too overwhelmed to think about a certain thing, and he said: "Overwhelmed??? What do *you* have to be 'overwhelmed' about??"

The mere fact that he had to ask that question means he would never understand the answer.

But I love you, Uncle Mark. ;)

Tracy said...

Beth and Ginny...y'all should do something to kick me off of the computer. It's very likely that I shall be as weird on my blog as I was on IM...

::runs away screaming::

Tracy said...

Woo hoo! Look at me spamming my own blog!

Tracy said...

I wonder if eye-drops can make you act weird...like Benedryl does...does anyone know?

Tracy said...

Alrighty then.

Tracy said...

Stay with TV 9--we'll keep you advised.

Tracy said...

I am not.

Why does everyone keep saying that?

Tracy said...

I wasn't, Ginny!

You just don't know normal when you hear it....