Saturday, December 03, 2005

"Tracy's Insanity" Indeed.

Once upon a time, in a land called Far Away...

There was a little boy who liked to wear a certain color.


Any shade of gold.

The boy loved gold.

But his mother was a strange woman. She didn't like to see her son walking around dressed only in gold, so she would often make him break the monotony by dressing him in black, and green, and red, and blue, and...well--the list goes on.

Mother liked many colors. Boy liked one.


Mother often wondered where Boy's fascination with gold came from, but she never quite figured it out. The closest she ever came was when she thought back to the time that Boy fell into a vat of molten gold at the local Gold Purifiying Factory.

The problem was she simply thought of it. She drew no conclusions. She never quite put two and two together (some people are totally incapable of this), and therefore never realized that Boy had been dipped in Special Gold. Magic Gold. Mystically Altered Gold.

The Gold added particular brain-cells needed to ponder certain mysteries of life, and to love gold to the fullest extent. But Mother was never to know this, for she did not have the brain-cells needed to possess this knowledge.

As Boy grew to adulthood physically, so did he grow mentally. He came to understand that Simple Folk did not, and could not, understand his fascination for Gold, and so he no longer needed Mother to cause him to dress in other colors. He understood that being dressed only in Gold caused much attention to be drawn to him--some of it pleasing, but most of it undesirable.
All was well with Boy until he was fully grown. He did all that was required of a loving son, and then he set out on his own once he become a man. Mother was sad to see him go, but he had never fooled her. She knew his love for Gold had never dissipated, and she knew he must go in search of it. And search he did. For years Boy searched. He found much Gold, but he was never quite satisfied with what he found. Somehow--he always wanted more. Not quantity--oh no, Boy wasn't greedy--but quality. "Golder," he would think. "Brighter," he would say. And the search would continue.

Soon, Boy began to only glance at the Gold, and noting that it was not as gold and as bright as he would like, he would continue on without stopping to inspect. Then came the day that he did not even glance. He only continued walking. Searching for that one piece of Gold.

Then he ran into Tracy and told her that she was on the computer way too late, and that she needed to get some sleep before she made herself sick.

So goodnight everybody!


Anonymous said...

Duuuuuhhhh!!! I know what this story is about, although the ending is rather abrupt. I would suggest that Tracy AND CHRISTA skip the Golden Boy stories. Hey, don't feel bad, ya still got me!

Anonymous said...

Ice cream scoops? I thought all along those were kissies for me...

Tracy said...

Anonymous, don't be so sure.

Things aren't always what they seem.

This story isn't about Golden Boy.

It's just about Boy. Boy who wears Gold.

Thanks for the thought, though. You were close.

Anonymous said...

This is, once again, a confession of Tracy that she's dying for a man to keep her in order. She wants DISCIPLINE.

Anonymous said...

Somebody who will make her go to bed on time.

Anonymous said...

Somebody who will inspire her with his quest for...uhh...wait I haven't decoded the gold part yet...

Tracy said...

::laughs and shakes head:: Oh, Christa.

Disciple said...

All mothers are strange women. But this Mother is not only strange but negligent, to allow her son to fall into a vat of molten gold. She probably threw him in, so that she could skin him afterwards and keep any golden residues that remained on him.
But being such a Mother’s boy, he deserved it.

Disciple said...

Back to the real story.
So, Mr. Gold was tested like gold in the furnace to see if he was worthy of a worthy woman.
Being worthy, he never got carried away with anything that was less than worthy.
Then he met Tracy, and finding that she caught his attention, he realised she was his “one piece of gold”- a worthy woman.

And now, back to the real world!

Disciple said...

Yes, I agree with psychologistintraining. “She wants Disciple”.

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: You guys sure are looking into this story alot.

Traaaaacy, Your dad and you brother just my house. I didn't know they were in town!

Little Lizzie said...

I think John was right. "Then he met Tracy, and finding that she caught his attention, he realised she was his “one piece of gold”- a worthy woman." I think he hit the nail on the head.

Tracy said...

Perhaps, Christa.

My imagination tends to abandon me at the most inopportune times.

Disciple said...

“Less than artistic version”, Christa?
I only posted one version!
Thank you, Lizzie.

Little Lizzie said...

Oh, you're quite welcome! :)

Disciple said...

You’re a liar and a cheat!
You’ve got no morals and you’ve got no scruples!
You might be worthy of me yet!

Disciple said...


Unknown said...

Tracy, I just have one question.

Why didn't the boy always wear red?
In search of green?
A golden-green?

I think that would have been much better. And as everyone should know by now, I am never wrong.
Except for that one time......

Disciple said...

…when you refused to marry me?

Well, it’s too late now.

Unknown said...

HA! Whatever John. I think we all know by now that IF I EVER wanted to marry you(and I never will), all I would have to do is say the word and you would be groveling in an instant.
Who wouldn't?

Disciple said... so mean?