Monday, December 05, 2005

That'll Wake You Up

What is it about my car that causes people to turn into Hit-and-Run drivers?

I don't understand.

I had just left Mass this morning, and had turned down a certain street, innocently on my way home for half an hour before I had to be off to work, when I saw an ugly truck--the kind I call pretty-boy trucks because they have no purpose other than looky ridiculously expensive.

I had just thought, "Why do people *buy* those things??" when I suddenly realized that pretty-boy truck was pulling out of a neighborhood, and had every intention of hitting me.

Okay, once again, I don't necessarily *love* my car, but I absolutely did not want that stupid truck to eat it!

So I slammed on my brakes and my horn. Or I slammed down on my horn and my brakes. I have no idea which came first.

Well, that didn't work too well because he hit me anyway. (I'm assuming it was a male driver. I'm not really certain because the windows were so darn tinted...just like a pretty-boy truck.)

Then I believed I screamed, because I realized that dumb truck was going to hit me afterall.

And he did. The very end of me. In the exact same place the first hit-and-run driver hit me.

My poor little car.

Oh, yes, so I pulled over, and sat there for a second. The truck pulled back into the neighborhood. Sat there for a minute, then left. Yes. Just left. Drove away.

I was shocked. And I wasn't.

Oh well.

You can't really tell unless you know what my car looked like *before* it was hit.


At least neither of us got hurt.

And I'm not dead.

I'm happy about that.


Tracy said...

P.S. I was ready to go back to bed until that happened.

So I guess I've found a new way to wake up in the morning.

Anonymous said...

That sucks!!
I hate those pretty-boy-truck-drivers, who think they can be jerks like that!
I'm with Ginny, I sooo would have had to go to confession if that was me.

Anonymous said...

I was looking through my pics to find a cute one of Beth, and I found one of Beth, and Tracy, dancing on the roof.
I love those pics of us one the roof. they are awesome! That was a long time ago though.

I also found some great ones of Father, so...if anyone wants to see those, I can give them to Tracy. ;)

Little Lizzie said...

Awww!!!! I'm sorry, Tracy! That totally stinks! Just look at the bright side though. At least your car still goes and isn't possesed! I am going to just have to put my poor little car to sleep.
:*( ::sniffles::

Little Lizzie said...

WHAT??? Marcy!!! That was back when I was like... EXTREMELY fat and.... UGLY!!! Oh my gosh.... This is going to be so embarrasing.

Tracy said...

:::dances on roof laughing::: NO WAY!! Awesome! I had absolutely forgotten about that! Even if no one else wants to see them, I DO! Bring them tomorrow, okay??

Tracy said...

Thanks for the sympathy, y'all. 'Tis nice of you.

My reaction was actually half way between Ginny's, Marcy's, Mason's, and Christa's.

I didn't get angry. I didn't "flip him off" (<--*someone* was shocked that I hadn't!). I didn't call him a bad name. I just watched him drive away. And I thought, "whoa. That's two for two. How ironic." I mean, I've heard of people being hit by hit-and-run drivers, but only once! I've never met anyone who had been hit TWICE by a hit-and-run, and *in the exact same spot*.

So I prayed for the guy instead. I figured he needed prayers, and the only way God was going to get me to pray was by a major sign.

Hey! Like Beth said, at least my car is driveable! You can hardly tell it was hit, actually.

I was very lucky.

Anonymous said...

Poor Little Lassie! I'll give you my truck if you want it. You'll need it to move to CC anyway.

Little Lizzie said...

::sniffles:: why don't you give *ME* your truck? ::sniffles again:: *I* moved up to Clear Creek first! AND my car DIED first?

::cries out loud:: NOBODY LOVES ME!!!!!!

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

Well, I just don't think you're as pretty as your sister Beth... ha ha ha!!!

Tracy said...

Nobody does, Anonymous. :`(

Little Lizzie said...

Thank you, Anonymous! At least someone agrees.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that was cool, my last comment could be read either way! If I was talking to Tracy you would think I was saying Tracy was uglier. If I was talking to Beth, you would think I was saying Beth was uglier. So of course, each of them thinks I'm talking to thems's, which means each of them thinks that I said they're ugly. ha ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

That was pretty funny, Anon.

Beth, of course I wasn't going to let Tracy put those on here! I know it was forever ago, I already said that! (And you were NEVER fat!)

Tracy, I'll bring the pics, today.
They are soooo awesome. I had forgotten about them too.
Seeya in a little while.

Little Lizzie said...

::laughs:: Oh. Hmm... I didn't realize that. That's funny. ::giggles:: But, we all know that you meant that I was not as pretty as Tracy. So, it's okay.

Little Lizzie said...

::laughs:: okay, thanks! I was getting worried about that. But, as long as everyone knows that they are from forever ago, then Tracy can post them. I want to see those. That was SO much fun! :)

Anonymous said...

I know!!! I wish we could go back to your old house, and do it again.

Tracy, did we make John mad, 'cause we were being *snobs*?

Little Lizzie said...

I know. I miss our old house. You guys can all come up here and get on our NEW roof though. ;-)

Anonymous said...


It's not the same, though.
Oh well, we'll still have fun, 'cause we always do. :)
We have to remember to bring the radio on the roof with us, so we can play our radio game.

Tracy said...

Oh my gosh--it was so cold that night! I'm going to have to blog about it. I had totally forgotten! Thanks for reminding us, Marcy! We have some awesome memories from that house.

Disciple said...

Sorry to hear about the driving incident.

“At least neither of us got hurt.”
Tracy: Assure me that you are talking about you and your car, please.

What’s this about Confession? Neither Ginney, Marcy nor Mason would have been culpable for their actions or needed to go to Confession after such an incident.
Haven’t you heard of self-defence or shock?
You people need to read St. Thomas!

We should all begin a novena that the “pretty-boy-driver” goes to Hell. Yeah?

Hand those pictures over, Marcy and I’ll never bother you with marriage proposals again!
Even if you are a snob!

Anonymous said...

I know, it was very cold that night. but we sure did have alot of fun!

Heh..Those pics are soooo old. we dont even look the same.
You're not bothering me, John.
I think you're just waisting your time, though. 'Cause Beth wants to marry you, so why don't you marry her?

Anonymous said...

I forgot the pics, Tracy!!
And you didn't even say anything to me.
I'll bring them to mass.
You have to call and remind me. :)

Unknown said...

Well Tracy..... If you ever get hit again, be sure to get the car's license plat number. Then report them. THAT would do the trick.

Really, sometimes I think you are too nice for your own good.

Disciple said...

Enjoy the "pics" at Mass!

Anonymous said...

hehe, oh we will enoy them. :)
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you went to Mass with, Tracy, and I, you would enjoy alot of things. :) (Tracy likes to talk alot during Mass.)
I'm giving the pic to Tracy tomorrow, if I remember.

Anonymous said...

Do y'all talk about me during Mass? Maybe a running commentary on what I'm doing or saying??? Maybe I'll give you a mic...

Little Lizzie said...

::laughs:: that was funny! :)

Little Lizzie said...

::thinks back:: Umm.... No. Actually, when I was little I was poisoned with laughing poison. It won't ever go away.

Little Lizzie said...

Actually, I'll stop saying that all of the time. There are only a few times that something on the blog makes me laugh OUT LOUD... And that made me laugh out loud. So, that is why I said it. I'm not exactly sure *why* it made me laugh out loud. But, it's probably because today has been pretty stressful and my head hurts. So, it was finally something that was funny instead of stressful. You know what I mean?

Little Lizzie said...

::tries not to laugh:: I'm not going to say it. I'm not going to say it......

Little Lizzie said...

I am really cold. Is anyone else here cold?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anonymous..we do talk about you during Mass.
::laughs:: If you gave us a mic, we wouldn't talk anymore. We don't want everyone else to hear what we're saying.
Christa, I'm a saint too.
Actually, since Tracy doesn't go to morning mass anymore, I don't see her, so I sit a listen.
How could I not pay attention to Fathers sermons? they're the best! :)

Yes Beth, It is soooo cold! I just want to stay in my nice warm bed for like three days.

Tracy said...

Marcy! ::rearranges hair:: Don't tell people I *talk* during Mass! What a sin! Oh my! As if!

First I drink in the basement, then I drink myself to death, then I smoke in the garage, then I talk during Mass...I'm a horrible person!

Tracy said...

Did you have fun last night, Marcy? 'Cause I did.

I know I forgot all about the pictures! Okay, bring them to Mass tomorrow evening, and I will try to remember to ask you for them.

Oh...and will you bring my shoes, too? Thanks! ;)

Little Lizzie said...

Your shoes?

Anonymous said...

Yeah what happened to the good Tracy??? If this goes on much longer I don't know what vice she wouldn't acquire...

Little Lizzie said...

See, I told you there is a lot you don't know about Tracy.... You have to be careful around her. She is dangerous!

Anonymous said...

I have your shoes in my truck, and the pics in my purse.
And i'm on my way out the door. seeya!

Tracy said...

::laughs:: Aaaaw, I'm sorry, Kevin! Poor guy! I can't believe you've had *all* of that happen to your cars! That's horrible.

Thanks for the nice thing you said at the end...I think. It was a nice thing, wasn't it?


Tracy said...

Yay, Marcy! I'm excited about the shoes!

Are we going to go get something to eat after Mass???? 'Cause I'm hungry!

Anonymous said...

::laughs:: I did have alot of fun the other night, Tracy.
we should do it again.

Unknown said...

You could eat Tracy's shoes. One for each of you.

Bon appetite!

Tracy said...

By the way, John--I meant that I was glad neither of the *drivers* was hurt.

::rolls eyes::

Disciple said...

That makes me sick.

You wanted him dead then!

Tracy said...

Yes, John. Of course.

Disciple said...

Did my Novena work?

Tracy said...

I don't know. Would you like to elaborate?