Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Scenes from Panera

It's so boring when people don't post things on their blogs.

I don't like being a boring person.

I went to Panera Bread last night. It is so interesting what you can see there. Y'all should try it some time. Just sit and watch people. Try not to be judgemental, though.

There is a table right across from my favorite table that has a padded seat on one side, and a regular chair on the other. It never fails that when a couple sits at this table, the woman *always* sits in the booth side of it. Last night it was funny because I saw three couples come and go, and one after another, the women who sat in the booth were all short, petite, and had short, highlighted blonde hair. It was a funny coincidence. ::laughs:: The last couple that sat there had another couple come and meet them later on, but it was obvious that they were the woman's friends, but the woman had left to answer a call, and the man just stood there, very awkwardly talking about the absent woman. I had to laugh.

Then there was a Marine that came in with his wife. They sat right next to me. The wife was upset about something, and her husband was trying to cheer her up. It wasn't working very well. I *had* to laugh when he said, "You know...that Arnold guy...the Guvernater..." His wife didn't respond. He waited a second, didn't say anything, and then he goes, without looking up, "That was supposed to be funny."

There was another table where there were two old Chinese women who did nothing but laugh the entire time they were there. It was adorable. I loved watching them because it made me laugh, too.

There was also this girl that sitting alone for awhile, but she was on the phone. At first she was laughing, but then she started crying. It was kinda sad. Then she looked around, and started wiping her eyes. I figured someone was meeting her, and she didn't want them to see her crying. After a while (when she'd hung up the phone), a guy showed up and sat down with her. She had recovered herself pretty well, and they talked and laughed for a while, but then she started crying again. That was when the guy moved his chair around so that he was sitting next to her. It was really sweet because he put his arm around her and let her cry on his shoulder.

::sigh:: Oh, the drama of Panera. You know what, though...I have yet to see someone fighting there. I wonder why? It must have something to do with the atmosphere.

Okay. I'm leaving now.

Bye, y'all!


Little Lizzie said...

Wow Tracy... Sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

Aww..poor girl, who was crying! I hate it when I just start crying when I'm in public. Don't you, Tracy? ;)
Maybe the Marine had to leave and thats why his wife was mad.
I always get mad when my Marine has to leave. :(

Why don't you post a pic of what you were for Halloween? I've already seen the pics, so I know you have some. hehe.


Restless Native said...

I'm glad that one guy had the sense to put his arm around the girl who was crying. He must have felt really bad for her. I'll bet he said a whole bunch of prayers for her after they left!!

Tracy said...

Christa, I've thought about writing stories about the random people at PB before...right now I'm thinking I'll write about the girl who was crying. That's probably the best one to work with. Drama and all of that. ...I hope she wasn't crying because her pet poodle died....

YES, Marcy! *I* don't mind seeing others cry, but if *I* am the one crying...ooooooh, gosh, I hate it!! It would be very embarrassing to cry in front of people you don't know. Especially an entire restaurant!
And, no, Mrs. Marine was upset because she was having trouble getting certification for something...I think it was teaching. The Marine was just so cute because he kept saying all of the wrong things! ::giggles::

Mary. Shutup.

::laughs:: Sure, Mace--if you pay for my coffee! ;)

He probably did feel bad for her, Dan. I did, and I wasn't the one sitting across from her! I was glad someone came to meet her. The only thing sadder than a girl crying on a guy's shoulder in public is a girl crying alone in public.
I'm glad he was a smart man. Some guys are dense and don't know that girls need arms around them when they cry.

Anonymous said...


That's all I have to say.


Unknown said...

Alright then Tracy, tell me the next time you go to Panera, and I'll make certain I'm there. I'll bring a friend, and we'll fight just for you. How does that sound?

Unknown said...

So how 'baut it Tracy? When do you want the Nolan sisters to crash at Panera?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you could drive.

Unknown said...

I can't. THAT'S why we'll be crashing. Silly.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the clari.

Unknown said...

You're welcome. :)