Friday, November 04, 2005


There are certain people reading this blog who I did not think were reading it.

Hello to those people.

I'd mention you by name, but this way is more fun.



Anonymous said...

Maybe they love her?

Tracy said...

They are just people I didn't think read my blog. No names.

302 people have looked at my profile. What I want to know is WHO ARE THEY? I don't even KNOW 302 people on the Internet!


Anonymous said...

Anybody see a funny gorilla picture lately?

Anonymous said...

I've seen a funny gorilla pic..but I'm sure everyone else who reads Tracy's blog would love to see one too.


Unknown said...

Hey Tracy, I was just reading some of the posts in the archives and it occurred to me. You have (essentially) named your blog "The Art of Finding the Perfect Man". *laugh* It... is fitting.

Oh yeah, I copied this comment, and put it in all of the posts.

Unknown said...

Just kidding. But really, I find it quite humorous. You probably didn't think of it in that way. Or did you?????

I hope you don't change the name of you blog because of me. But if you do, you should call it "The Art of Recruiting Seminarians". Or better yet "How to use FW to Your Best Advantage". Ooh, ooh, you could also do "What every girl trying to catch Sem... Guy, should know". I would DEFINITELY read you blog more often.


Unknown said...

Drat those writing errors! I meant "What every girl trying to catch A Sem... Guy, should know".
Sheesh. That is irritating.

I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.

Unknown said...

So THIS is what it feels like to spam a blog. I can see why Christa does it so often....

"There are some things in life that aren't worth getting... but we strive for them anyway"

Tracy said...

::laughs:: Don't bother, Gin. I know who Father believes them to be, also. And I sincerely hope with all of my heart that isn't the case. Unless our dear pastor produces proof, I shan't believe a word of it.

Shell, nah. I think I'm going to write a book and give it that title, so my blog can't have it.

And, yes, I am aware of what my blog name means. You are pretty much correct. : )

Disciple said...

I really don’t think there are that many sem…..ah… I mean gentlemen at “X Location” who have an interest in women, let along blogs.
Then again, perhaps they want the Big Brother Internet Spy System to catch them looking at girls’ blogs to detract from something else.
Many of them must be under pressure with this new document about to be released and all that……
And poor old St. Thom won’t tolerate them hanging from his habit strings much longer…..
Ah well.

Tracy said...

You know what, John. Be quiet.