Thursday, October 06, 2005

I Almost Died Last Night

Seriously. But it didn't have anything to do with rock-climbing (I will give an account of *that* experience later, Czechs, Great Danes, psychologists and all!). It was actually on my way home from Andrea's house.

It was about 10:15pm and it was raining and dark. (Imagine that). I came to a four-way stop, so I had to wait for a minute to make my left turn. Well, this car which was opposite of me failed to notice that I had my left blinker on, and started going at the same time I did, and now that I think back on it, I think he did one of those "rolling stops" at the stop sign. Because of the rain and the dark (and the fact that my eyesight was trying to abandon me because of something I did rock-climbing), I couldn't tell he hadn't stopped until he was about 8-9 feet away from me. At first I did the whole, "Okay, there is no way this is happening, because it just can't be" thing, but I quickly realized this guy was going to hit me.

It's very strange how calm I remained when I realized this. Here I was in the middle of an intersection, it's night time, it's raining, and I had some annoying Edmondite trying to ram into my car, but I wasn't scared. Of course, there wasn't much time to be scared since it all took place in a spilt second.

I think my guardian angel took over for me. He hit my gas peddle, instead of the break, and swerved my car in a very peculiar way, which kept me from getting car by the annoying car. All *I* did was honk my horn at the guy, because it truly seemed to me that the person wasn't putting their brakes on, so I had to alert him to the fact that he was about to run into the car *I just finished paying off*. Okay, I may not *like* my car very much, but right at that moment, it was way too cute to be run into like that for no good reason.

Well, as is apparent, my car is just fine, and so am I, for we *both* got out of the way. That other car just went on it's merry little way, and probably didn't even car that he almost hit me. I honked at him again...just for good measure. Then I felt guilty. Don't ask me why.

After it was all over, and everything was back to normal, and my life was no longer in peril, I remembered that Dan had told me he would say a prayer for my safe drive home since my eyes were doing weird things. Well, Dan, I don't know you remembered to or not, but if you did--Thanks. You may have safed my life. And if you didn't--Thanks a lot! I almost got into a wreck because of you!

More on rock-climbing later!!


Anonymous said...

Awww...I'm so glad you're okay!
Was it the stop sign on 2nd and Western? 'cause nobody EVER knows when it's their turn to go.
hehe...That's the way to do it, blame it on Dan. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ahh... That's scary! I'm glad you didn't die. That is funny that you almost died on the night you went rock climbing.... Speaking of which... I want to hear about it?!?!


Tracy said...

Yup, Marce, it was 2nd and Western! You are so smart!

Restless Native said...

YES!! I AM A HERO!! I saved your LIFE!! I.. *ahem* I mean, some guy named DAN saved your life, because of course, *I* am not Dan, er, that guy, because... *ahem* I am an anonymous poster on this blog... the type of which no one knows my identity, so... right! I'm glad we cleared that one up. *ahem*

So this guy... Dan... apparantly has a powerful swing with the "other world", most likeley due to an amazingly active spiritual life. Like, I mean, a mile a minute or something. His Guardian angels probably work on shifts.

Anyway, his personal actions must be beyond reproach, and I would probably say he's extrememly humble as well. And ruggedly handsome. In fact, I'll bet ALL the virtues shine through this saintly individual... like the morning sunshine... through a stained glass window... in Scotland... on Easter... MULTIFARIOUS in all his glory!!!

However, sadly, I think this individual may have one, tiny, insignificant flaw. Hardly worth noting.
Teensy weensy.
Itty bitty.
A B+ on the face of an otherwise straight A spritual report card.
I bet it would be, ah... *cough*forgetfulness*cough*

But that flaw has OBVIOUSLY nothing to do with this incidident, I am POSITIVE HE REMEMBERED TO SAY A PRAYER and even if he DIDN'T his GUARDIAN ANGEL (having forgiven him for calling him a stoop-head) said it for him.

Okay, so, we're clear.
I mean, this guy named Dan is clear.
Okay, so be careful from now on.

PS- Edmond drives SUCK. You have to show them who's BOSS before they will respect you...

Tracy said...

Thanks, Mason! I would hate for something to happen to me, too. ;)

Daaaan--You were *supposed* to have remembered! It would've made my story so cool.

Oh well. I guess it wasn't you, or your amazing "swing" with the other world. I guess it was just Saint Raphael. :::giggles::: Yeah...."just".

Restless Native said...

Yeah, Ol' St. Raph. Me and him go waaaay back.

BTW, Christa Shady and Tattered, there are certain individuals in my clan who keep going on about how hilarious you were on the pilgrimage... I have yet to see proof...